Last Updated

July 2024

Our approach to the TSM Survey


Please note this document contains our old name and branding but rest assured the content remains accurate and valid for Salvation Army Homes.

Our approach to collecting resident feedback for our TSM performance

The TSM’s show Salvation Army Homes performance for the year April 2023 to March 2024. The measures for the satisfaction survey are based on 600 responses in a one off survey that took place between 18 May 2023 and 1 June 2023.

Acuity Research & Practice Ltd carried out this survey on behalf of Salvation Army Homes and collected, generated and validated the reported perception measures. They selected a random sample from across our general needs, older people services, directly managed services and agency managed services. The table below shows the assessment of the representativeness of the sample against the relevant tenant population.

Acuity used postal and telephone surveys to collect the responses, with the option of an online link that was sent by the interviewee. No incentives were offered to complete the questionnaire.

Acuity used a census sample method for the postal surveys and random stratified with quotas (tenure) for telephone surveys. A weighting based on stock type was applied to generate the reported perception measures.

There were no tenant households within the relevant population that were not included in the sample frame due to the exceptional circumstances and there were no other methodological issues that were likely to have a material impact on the tenant perception measures reported.

View the survey above.

View the TSM survey

TSM Survey

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